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Broxbourne CE Primary School


Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 with Mrs Cooper, Mrs Conway, Mrs Harvey, Mrs Watson, Miss Phillips and Mrs Yol


We have been so impressed already with how well the children have settled in to the new routines of Year 1. We are so happy to see the children arrive at school with big smiles on their faces and ready to embrace the school day.


The children have demonstrated their enthusiastic approach to learning and they are already developing their independence. Throughout this year, we will be focusing on developing the children’s confidence, independence and growth mindset for them to be the best they can be!


In English, we will be focusing on ensuring the children develop an understanding of the structure of a sentence and are sentence secure by the end of year 1. In phonics, we will start the year by revising the children’s learning of Phase 3 phonics in early years, and will then move on to phase 4 and phase 5 phonics. In maths, we use a range of different apparatus to develop and secure children’s understanding of numbers.


We are all excited and ready for a fun-filled year of learning!