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Broxbourne CE Primary School home page

Broxbourne CE Primary School



Broxbourne CE Primary School is an inclusive school and is committed to the academic and personal development of all children, regardless of background or ability. We aim to help all learners reach their full potential and are strongly committed to our responsibility towards the identification and assessment of special educational need/disabilities (SEN). We are dedicated to closing any gap between children with or without SEN. At Broxbourne CE Primary, we offer a range of provision to support children with SEN; over and above Quality First Teaching for all.


If you wish to make an appointment to discuss your child with the SEN Team, please contact the school office on or by calling 01992 462419.

New to SEN

Please follow the link to the website for Hertfordshire’s SEN Local Offer for more information:

SENCo Coffee Mornings


Please check our school calendar for termly SENCo Coffee Mornings.  These are held between 9.00am and 10.00am.

Here are the slides shared at our SENCo coffee morning this morning (Friday, 22nd November) as promised.


Thank you.

Next Coffee Morning 

Tuesday, 26th November at Middleton School in Hertford, from 10-11.30am

Holiday Services for Parents

Please watch this short video aimed at parents and carers of children and young people with SEND to help them understand what the Local Offer website is, and what kind of information and resources they can find on there.


Still image for this video