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Broxbourne CE Primary School


School Meals

School Dinners

Children may choose to have school dinners or to bring a packed lunch.  Meal patterns are fully flexible.  Meals are cooked on the premises by Herts Catering Limited, under the direction of our school cook.  Children, accompanied by a parent or carer, are invited to sample a meal before they start school.  All meals are chosen in advance via our app School Gateway.


The current cost of meals is £3.25 per day (£16.25 per week) for KS2 children and £2.51 per day (£12.55 per week) for our Early Years 1 children who make use of the 30 hour provision. EY2 and KS1 are eligible for free school meals.  Parents of children in EY2 and KS1 should register their entitlement to Universal Infant Free School Meals by following the link.


Universal Infant Free School Meals – register (

Children of families in receipt of Income Support, are entitled to free school meals.  Information is available from the school office or from HCC Children, Schools and Families by ringing the helpline on 0300 123 4048. This is the current school menu children will choose from: 


We are currently participating in the Government’s Fruit and Vegetable Scheme entitling every child age 3 – 6 to receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable each day.  This reinforces our commitment to healthy eating and replaces morning snacks for all children in KS1.  Children not participating in the scheme, including those in KS2, are requested to bring only fruit or vegetables into school for their morning break.



Milk is free for children up until the term prior to their 5th birthday and for all Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children whose families receive Income Support.


Milk may be ordered on a termly basis, for EYFS and Key Stage 1 children only.  A reminder letter is sent to parents of EYFS and Key Stage 1 children towards the end of each term.  For administration reasons, orders cannot be accepted after the deadline.


Milk is refrigerated on receipt and given to children during their morning break.  In the interest of children’s health  milk is semi-skimmed for children in Key Stage 1.



Children are encouraged to drink plenty of water.  In order to promote a healthy fluid intake by all pupils, particularly in the hot summer months, all children in school are issued with a named water bottle for use during the school day.  Children should only bring water to school. Replacement bottles and lids are available from the school office at a price of £1.35 for bottles and 50p for lids.


We are fortunate to have water fountains throughout the school and in the playgrounds.