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Broxbourne CE Primary School


Attendance and Absences

Attendance and Absences

Parents are required, by the Education Act 1944, to ensure that their children of compulsory school age attend school and receive a full-time education.  It is the school’s responsibility to monitor attendance, which is done in conjunction with Governors and the Behaviour and Attendance Team, whose principal role is to help families and school meet their statutory obligations.


It is more important than ever for children to have a good education if they are to enjoy the best possible opportunities in adult life. Children only get one chance at school and children’s chances of a successful future are likely to be negatively affected by not attending school regularly. Parents are requested not to take children on holiday in school time to prevent them from missing vital parts of the curriculum.


With the exception of children attending Breakfast Club, children should not arrive at school before 8.40am.  If they should arrive after 8.50am, they should be brought to the school office to sign in.  This allows registers to be updated and dinner numbers to be recalculated.


Our recorded figures for attendance in the academic year 2020/2021 are:

Number on school roll:                      213
(of compulsory school age)
Unauthorised absence:                     0.5%
Authorised absence:                         2.4%


Please discuss any difficulties arising over attendance with the Headteacher.

Absence during term time

Government statistics have proven a direct correlation between attendance and achievement. The Headteacher no longer has the discretion to allow absences for family holidays. Term time holidays will always therefore be unauthorised and should not be taken. Please book all holidays during the school holidays to avoid affecting your child’s education. Absences in exceptional circumstances should be discussed with the Headteacher in advance.


If you wish to take your child out of school during term time, please complete a Leave of Absence Form at least 2 weeks before any absence.