Headteacher’s Welcome
Choosing a school for your child is a vitally important parental decision. Along with receiving an excellent holistic education, the key priorities are to ensure that your child is happy, safe and relishes their learning.
At Broxbourne CE Primary School, we are committed to children being at the heart of all of our decisions; to excel in all aspects of our educational provision and to achieve this aim within a safe, nurturing and loving Christian community.
Our school values of Respect, Equality, Service, Perseverance, Excellence, Compassion and Trust are lived out across our school by our children and staff. All of our children are valued as unique individuals whose learning and development is always at the heart of everything we do. Our highly-motivated, skilled and passionate staff strive to give their best to every child. We are committed to all of our children succeeding and flourishing within our school community. Our School Governors and Senior Leaders continuously seek to evaluate and improve our school for our children.
Our school was opened in 1931 to provide education ‘…according to the principles and practices of the Church of England’. It is a voluntary aided school, for girls and boys from three to eleven years, and operates in partnership with the Local Authority and the St Albans Diocesan Board of Education.
We value highly our place at the heart of the Parish of Broxbourne; our strong relationship with St Augustine’s Church; our local clergy and the Diocese of St Albans. We create links between our community and our school that are meaningful to our children and the local community.
The excellent relationships we have developed with our families and throughout the community have led to the creation of a very distinctive, caring and nurturing Christian ethos which is evident in all we do. This unique combination results in a successful community, where everyone plays their part in making Broxbourne CE Primary School a very special place indeed.
We would encourage you to visit our school; to meet us and to see our children and staff in action. We organise tours for prospective parents for our Early Years 1 and 2 (Nursery and Reception classes) and we look forward to welcoming you when you visit.
Best wishes
Paul Miller
Headteacher at Broxbourne CE Primary School