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Broxbourne CE Primary School


Early Years 2

Welcome to EY2!  Our class teacher is Mrs Catlin and our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Wilson, Mrs Draper, Mrs Costello, Miss Phillips and Miss Del-Rio Ferrari


In EY2, the Summer term is our opportunity to consolidate our learning from the previous two terms in EY2. We also continue our learning to ensure that we are all Year 1 ready at the end of the academic year. Learning is still fun and exciting.  Now the children have a sound grasp of practising a learning concept through Child Initiated Learning, they are self-motivating and keen learners, excited to show us their amazing work.  The children will also begin learning about adjacent consonants in Level 4 Phonics this term as well as revisiting all phonemes from levels 2 and 3.


This term, the children have a sound knowledge of the School’s Christian Values and the Learning Behaviours in the classroom environment.  We are beginning to see the children blossom in areas of self-regulation and managing themselves; which is an essential part of learning through personal, social and emotional development.  They are also able to express their emotions and thoughts articulately, using full sentences.  


In Literacy our topics this term are Knights and Castles and Royalty in Summer 1 and Holidays in Summer 2. The children are confidently using their phonic knowledge to write simple sentences and are beginning to read their work back, correcting any errors using a blue pen.  We are really challenging the children this term to write two or three sentences during their news writing on a Monday morning.  We are also beginning to encourage children to tidy up their writing, either by using cursive script, making their writing smaller or ensuring their letters remain on the line.    


In Religious Education, we read bible stories and discuss the meaning behind these.  We also look at differences between churches and will look at where we worship.  We will focus on the Christian Church and the Islamic Mosques, discussing the differences between the buildings and windows of each place of worship.
In Maths, we continue our exploration of numbers, counting, looking at whole and parts of a number, including subitising and composition of these numbers.  We will also look at height and length as well as introducing rekenreks for number work.
Each week in our Jigsaw sessions, the children explore a range of topics related to their personal, social, health and emotional development. We use books, role-play and circle time discussions to develop these vital aspects of your child’s learning.
This is the term that the sun shines and we are outside a lot of the time.  Both the children and the teachers really enjoy this!   It is the term where we see the children flourish and grow to be Year 1 ready, becoming the individual, confident and unique young person that they are destined to become.  
We look forward to enjoying and sharing this personal growth in partnership together and thank you for your continued involvement and support of our school and your child’s education.