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Broxbourne CE Primary School


Vision, Aims and Values

Vision, Aims and Values

Vision Statement

Our School Vision was established through consultation with all members of our school community and was revised in January 2019. 


It our belief that our all members of our school community should strive to:


‘Dream, Believe and Achieve with God’
Mission Statement

Our Vision Statement is biblically derived and underpinned from an unwavering belief that:
"With God all things are possible."  Matthew 19:26
At Broxbourne CE Primary School, we believe that through belief and with the love of God, all children can achieve their full potential.

Our Commitments

We are committed to:


•    Children being at the heart of every decision
•    Providing excellence in learning which is inspiring, exciting and fun
•    Providing a safe, loving, and nurturing Christian community

Loving and valuing everyone is a central element of Christian behaviour and is at the heart of the life of our school. Broxbourne CE Primary is a place where we learn how to love God, one another and ourselves. This is achieved through collective worship, religious education and the application of Christian Values to relationships within and beyond the school.  We strive to nurture among everyone a real sense of purpose of who we are in the world and how special and unique we are in the eyes of God.  We aim to be a Christian community where all are respected and appreciated and we endeavour to inspire children to create a better world through thoughtful respect and compassion.
Through these values, we engage children in learning that helps them be respectful and aware of their feelings, emotions and beliefs and those of others in society.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) learning takes place across all areas of learning and school life and ensures pupils are aware of the history and values of Britain and prepares our children to succeed, contributing positively to life in modern Britain.  


As part of this, we aim to help children understand the role of British Values in society. These include: democracy, the rules of law, individual liberty and respect and tolerance of those with different faiths. This is achieved overtly through our curriculum including whole school assemblies.


We develop children’s knowledge, understanding, and awareness of Christianity, as the predominant religion in Great Britain, and of the other principal religions, faiths and beliefs represented in this country to encourage celebration and acceptance of all people.


Our Christian Values


The School values that we celebrate and encourage our children and school community to live out are:

Respect, Equality, Service, Perseverance, Excellence, Compassion, Trust


We aim to achieve this by:

  • Keeping our School Promise
  • School Prayer
  • Behaviour and living out our school values
  • Caring for each other and the school environment
  • Inspiring confident, independent learners who value success
  • Delivering lifelong learning opportunities



  • We aim to achieve this by:
  • Being actively anti-discriminatory 
  • Ensuring our curriculum is representative, ambitious and socially, culturally and racially diverse 
  • Being fully committed to equal opportunities
  • Ensuring all of our children succeed and achieve
  • Challenging stereotypes
  • Encouraging courageous advocacy



We aim to achieve this by:

  • Support of charities annually
  • Local Foodbank support
  • Involvement in the life of the Church
  • Working together within a caring Christian community
  • Ensuring all children are aware of, and care for, their local and global community
  • Providing opportunities for children to contribute positively to the life of the school



We aim to achieve this by:

  • Recognising, celebrating and learning from our mistakes
  • Encouraging all children to enjoy challenging themselves
  • Providing opportunity for individual and collective growth
  • Celebrating effort and resilience



We aim to achieve this by:

  • Having high expectations for all children
  • Engendering a life-long passion for learning
  • Encouraging curiosity and questioning
  • Teaching, modelling and expecting positive behaviour which equips them for life
  • Delivering a high-quality curriculum which enables all children to achieve their potential 
  • Providing an engaging and creative learning environment



We aim to achieve this by:

  • Teaching children to care for themselves, others and their environment
  • Encouraging empathy, understanding and consideration
  • Nurturing our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
  • Preparing children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life



We aim to achieve this by:

  • Providing a calm, happy, safe and secure environment that cultivates everyone’s wellbeing
  • Encouraging positive learning behaviours and conduct in and around school
  • Setting clear expectations about how we treat one another
  • Providing opportunities to share personal opinions, values and beliefs
  • Being open and honest with all members of our school community
  • Developing and nurturing respectful relationships with our school community


Whilst these are our key values, they are not the only values taught and recognised in our school. Other values, such as wisdom, love and generosity, are addressed holistically in all aspects of school life, including worship.

Equality Statement

Following consultation with parents, governors, staff and children, the school has decided upon these key objectives in order to further improve our equalities provision:


  • To further develop our school Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Forum to result in school improvement 
  • To increase cultural and representative relationships within the community 
  • To ensure EDI is prominent in processes for recruitment and retention of staff; when creating written policies and in decision-making

These objectives will be our focus for the 2 year period from March 2023- March 2025.