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Broxbourne CE Primary School home page

Broxbourne CE Primary School


Broxbourne United Reformed Church

The United Reformed Church, Broxbourne, is one of the churches located in the Broxbourne district of the Parish of Broxbourne with Wormley, and is a mainstream Christian Denomination and a member of the local ‘Churches Together’ group.


Where appropriate, we work with the Parish of Broxbourne with Wormley to provide activities for the community, for instance, Xstream (the Wednesday afternoon Bible Club) and the very popular summer Holiday Club.


The church has had a close relationship with the school for many years: the Minister served eight years as a Governor of the School, and regularly leads whole school assemblies.


Sunday Worship is normally 10.30am. Parents who are intending to apply for a place at the school for their child should sign the register when the family comes for worship; this enables the proper admissions process to take place at the school.


Please follow the link below to find out more about Broxbourne United Reformed Church.